
Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 year in review

check out "2010 year in review" here

What a crazy year 2011 has been! New jobs for both of us, lots of traveling, a broken bone, a near move... but we made it! Here are some highlights from the year:

January: I got a new job, and then almost got shot on my first day (not really)

February: I shared my thoughts on love and daydreamed about our upcoming beach trip

March: I recorded 93 things about myself and almost lost my husband while skiing at Snowshoe

April: I shared design ideas for boy's nursery and girl's nursery, had a hard week and had a misunderstanding with my husband

May: We celebrated three years of marriage, came up with a new anniversary tradition, and then spent a week apart (foreshadowing, I wonder?)

June: I came up with a way to give to others (still loving this) and Andy faced a stinky challenge after returning home from our beach trip

July: Andy broke his collarbone, I divulged more than you wanted to know, Andy got a new job, I met Sky (my brother's fiancĂ©) and, following the death of my grandma, wrote a tribute to share at her memorial picnic

August: I shared secrets on a happy marriage, more thoughts on love, some tips on fashion and shopping, and the incredible, compelling, fascinating stories of StoryCorps

September: Went to a grocery store for a date, flew to Boston, and realized Andy and I would be living apart longer than we expected.

October: I put together a guide to Harrisonburg, wrote about our trip to Chicago, posted pics from Chicago, found out we needed to move and quit my job!

November: We snuggled a baby in sunny Tampa, I took my job back, and compiled a 2011 gift guide

December: In case you missed these, I turned 25, learned a hard lesson on compassion, had a birthday that never ended, practiced taking pics with different cameras and listed the books I read this year

by the way, friends, have I shared with you that Andy FINALLY got the position closer to Harrisonburg? Wahoo! He started today, which means we get to LIVE TOGETHER again!!!!!

what a great way to start the new year!

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