
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

july little pleasures

I won't be in town for a week and a half, so I'm dedicating today's post to the little pleasures of the month.

1. Girls Gone Child, one of my favorite blogs, featured this skateboarding video that completely captivated me. There is such delight in watching a skillful person at work (or in this case, play). I took my skateboard to college my freshman year and I miss skating up and down the hall and trying not to hit cars when I went down the hill in front of my dorm.

2. Toy Story 3. I actually haven't seen it yet, but I'm going tomorrow with Andy! We have heard nothing but good things about it.

3. CORN ON THE COB. ohmygoodness. My favorite summer vegetable. I especially love it grilled.

4. Round Ireland With a Fridge by Tony Hawks. This guy hitchhiked around Ireland with a fridge to win a bet. The memoir was a quick read and made me laugh the whole way through. I'm dying to see the movie. I love a good indie flick.

5. 2010 is already halfway over. How are you doing on your New Year's Resolutions? I'm doing terribly on mine. I completely and totally forgot (honestly, I did) that I had written last December about spending $50 a week in groceries. Whoops! Thankfully we haven't been spending much on groceries lately because our schedules have been crazy and we do a LOT of eating whatever we already have in the freezer/pantry. I also didn't finish the diet, walk only a few miles per week, haven't been published this year...yikes. But I have been reading! I read all the time!

So, number 5 sounds like a downer, but here is where the little pleasure is found: we have more time! The year isn't over yet! Here is a revised list of resolutions: continue reading as often as possible, get published, exercise 30 min a day for at least four days/week, make healthful dinners and eat less in the evening, read my Bible daily, practice the fruits of the spirit, eat more local-grown foods and take a vacation with *just* Andy.

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thanks for reading!