
Thursday, August 27, 2015

around here

- Design work! I’m planning to launch in a couple of weeks, and I am bursting at the seams to share it with y’all!
- House updates. We got a gorgeous four-poster bed frame for the basement guest room! For FREE! I also sold some furniture to purchase a new desk for my new office. :) :) :) I’m going to paint this weekend while Andy is off doing fantasy football shenanigans. It’s a good thing I still have a few Undisclosed episodes to listen to!
- Reading outdoors. These crisp mornings and sunny-but-not-sweltering afternoons have been amazing. I’ve been hit with deep sorrow on an almost daily basis and getting outside always boosts my spirits. 
- Barre. What?! I tried it for the first time last week and loved it. I went back this morning and had an awesome “Center Stage” moment while doing glute bridges.

- roasted petite potatoes like it’s my job
- butter lettuce. With roasted potatoes on top. :) And bacon, and fried eggs. My new favorite salad.
- honey bunches of oats with unsweetened almond milk. And roasted potatoes. (Kidding!)

- Project Runway is back!!!!!!
- Playing House on USA is great. It’s our new favorite show.

- I just finished “The Martian” by Andy Weir — have you read it? I have mixed feelings about the movie cast.
- “Anything” by Jennie Allen. Who gave me this book? Whoever you are, thank you.
- “The One Year Book of Hope” by Nancy Guthrie. I tried to start this devotional after John died, but I gave it up. Then I tried it again after Jane. I’m finally dedicated to having a morning quiet time, and this daily reading plus some Scripture has been manna to my soul.

- Doritos were vegetables
- For more crisp mornings and sunny afternoons, and that it would be Monday, because that’s when Dunkin Donuts starts selling their pumpkin coffee!!!!!!!!!

What’s going on with you? What are you reading/cooking/watching these days?


  1. You sold furniture to purchase a new WHAT for your new office?? I'm dying to know!
    And I wish tortilla chips were vegetables. I wonder how thin I'd be if I was never introduced to them!

    1. haha WHOOPS! I did not intentionally leave that info out. I got a new desk. :) Can’t wait to catch up Saturday! Until then, I will battle you in Trivia Crack.

  2. I love Playing House! I just had dental,surgery and I'm kinda high right now and this is my third time trying to comment. Very David at the Dentist moment. This is your cousin Lucy by the way.


thanks for reading!