
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

let's talk babies

disclaimer: not preg. also, this blog post has the attention span of a baby.


I love me some babies. Baby cheeks. Baby necks. Baby toes. (Baby clothes.) Naked babies. Baby smiles.

Even though it's occasionally hard for me when I see someone w/ a bump or a baby on their hip, I consider myself blessed to have many incredible mommy friends. They let me fawn all over their babies. They tell me all of the honest-but-kinda gross truths about labor and being a mom. They admit to not knowing it all. They don't pretend to have it all together (but they never cease to amaze me anyway). They say they can't imagine life without their little one, but still advise me to cherish my pre-baby life.

My pre-baby life consists of sleeping a lot, drinking more coffee than I should, fitting into all of the clothes I wear, reading whenever I want, taking baths and long showers, making plans on a whim, filling my purse with things only intended for me...
occasionally bringing up baby names... (Andy would say "constantly")
standing in the "future baby room" and imagining where everything will go...
constantly resisting the urge to look at baby stuff on Pinterest...
pointing out cute babies everywhere...
reading mommy blogs (tearing! hair on your belly! cankles! zits! back labor! oh boy!)...
creating a "baby and me" wishlist on Amazon so I don't forget certain items I like (SO EMBARRASSING)
having everyone and their mother ask me when we're going to have a baby (you know I love that one)...
and being content in my current baby-less state while also happily anticipating what God has in store for us.

1 comment:

  1. I wanna hear the NAMES! but not here...tell me in private or your future-mommy readers will steal them and we'll both be bitter forever about it.


thanks for reading!