
Monday, May 31, 2010

time flies

an excerpt from a post on Girl's Gone Child about how far the author has come since she started her blog in 2005:

Every day we become a little more interesting. A little more balanced. A little more successful in our ability to understand and know and care and love and come to conclusions about things.
Like gardens and how you can't tell how fast they've grown until you return from vacation.

This last line really hit me. When Andy and I left for PA yesterday afternoon we noticed one of our lilies had opened up. When we pulled back into our driveway an hour ago we noticed another bloom. Such change in only 48 hours.

In 2005 I graduated high school and moved waaay too much stuff into a tiny dorm room at James Madison University. I met my future husband a few weeks later. I saw firsthand the damage created by Hurricane Katrina and cried through the demolition. I shared secrets and laughs and tears with new friends. I traveled to Alaska, Ireland and England. I was proposed to. I said yes. I doodled bridal dresses on the margins of my notebook. I got married and went on a honeymoon. We shared a house together. I took my first pregnancy test. We got a dog. We drove to Florida and cruised to the Bahamas. I traveled to Seoul with my family. I graduated college, almost missing my graduation due to the stomach flu. We celebrated our first year anniversary at the beach, sharing year-old wedding cake with 18 friends. We discussed finances, jobs, moving, babies, traveling, church, cars and where we wanted to be in 5 years. We moved to new house. We celebrated two years of marriage.

Man, have I learned.

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