
Saturday, December 19, 2009

go to sleep and dream of snow

The cast from White Christmas could have just waited until December 2009 and come to Virginia if they were wanting snow that they could wash their hands/face/hair in.  We probably have a good 2 feet of snow here in the Shenandoah Valley.  When we went to bed last night there was already snow covering the ground and it snowed all night.  Weirdly enough, Andy and I both dreamt that we woke up to the snow having disappeared.  So glad that was not the case!!  Though, I do feel sorry for everyone whose Christmas will be affected by the snow.

Casey is always delighted by the sight of snow and took off leaping and diving in our backyard this morning.  I Skyped with my parents and stood at our back door with the camera pointed towards the dog.  I hope none of my neighbors saw me do this.  

We had a nice, lazy snow day.  I watched "Teen Mom" on MTV while Andy played video games upstairs and then after a delicious lunch of steak burgers (pre-stuffed with bacon and cheese) we watched Valkyrie.  Casey and I convinced Andy to go outside with us and we had a great time despite the freezing snow that constantly flew in our faces.  I wrapped all of the presents for my family and Andy's at the dining room table while Casey took a nice nap underneath it.  We went to Lisa and Josh's for dinner and games-- thanks guys!

It is wild outside.  This is what I would like my husband to have for tomorrow morning when he scrapes off our cars (while I'm still in our warm bed).  In a manly color of course.  I've been wanting this ever since I saw it in Good Housekeeping.  I should start a magazine called "Decent Housekeeping" or "Good If You Don't Open the Closet Housekeeping."  Oh well.  Have a wonderful snow day!

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