
Thursday, December 10, 2009

December budget challenge

I was inspired yesterday by my friend Julie's decision to budget only $2500 in 2010 for groceries, pet needs, baby needs and health and beauty needs. Check out her blog here.

I want to join Julie in her 2010 challenge, but I'm a little intimidated by the idea of jumping right in. I've decided that with 3 weeks left in December, I'm going to spend only $50 on groceries for the rest of the month. That gives me a little over $15 a week to work with. So far I've spent $115 on groceries this month and that shopping trip should provide us with another five days of meals. Plus, I'm going to be a mom for a week for the two kids I nanny, which means I can eat breakfast and dinner at their house if I want.

While $50 for three weeks sounds scary to me at first, I'm confident we can make it.
For the last week and a half of November we spent $0 on groceries, surviving on what I like to call "eating out of the kitchen." I contributed a post about this concept on my friend Amber's blog.

If I can do this challenge, then I should definitely be able to handle Julie's $2500 in 2010 challenge. That would give me $52 a week for groceries, health and beauty, and stuff for our pup. I won't be making any purchases on baby far as I know! :) Wish me luck on the December $50/3 week challenge!

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